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Codependency & Money Blocks
masterclass for entrepreneurial and professional women who want to overcome codependency and heal their relationship with men


This masterclass is for you if:

  • You work hard to make money, keep hitting money ceilings or have a pattern of recurring debt and ups and downs with money.

  • You quit your career and started a spiritual, healing or other type of business and are using money manifestation, mindset and energetics practices, but they aren't bringing you CONSISTENT RESULTS.

  • Despite doing the inner work to receive money easily, you still find yourself either "too much in the feminine" and therefore lack discipline and strategy, or you are "too much in the masculine" and have issues with trust and allowing money in unless you work super hard for it.

  • Maybe you don't have a problem receiving money from your romantic partner or parents, but making money in your business or career feels much more difficult.

So register to watch the masterclass and finally get to the root of your money blocks!

Especially if you have an avoidant or anxious attachment style,


as both of them create relationship codependency as one of the biggest blocks to women's money!


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