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Healing the Mother Wound

- 6 week self-study program

You're a heart-centered, spiritual woman who wants to build harmonious relationships, realize your professional goals

and build the life you can feel deeply fulfilled by.

You FEEL your potential and have your big VISION,

but can't quite reach all of it.

And you know that as a child, you

  • went through childhood trauma

  • had an authoritarian, controlling, abusive or neglectful mother and never developed a healthy bond with her

  • experienced abandonment and rejection.

  • grew up with a mother who took on a victimized position

  • or a mother suffered from depression or addiction

And these experiences affected your biology and psychology

So now you:

  • Experience a lot of sadness, anger or resentment about your childhood and the relationship with your mother.

  • Fear rejection and abandonment in your romantic or professional relationships and find yourself in codependent relationships because of it.

  • Experience issues with self-doubt, self-criticism and sabotage.

  • Repeat unhealthy romantic patterns from your parents and having a lot of emotional triggers, fears, insecurities and issues with self-confidence in your love life.

  • Lack boundaries and find yourself being overly dependent on the opinions of others.

  • Have a difficult relationship with your children, and you feel guilty because of it.

Or maybe you also

  • Have a tendency to self-soothe with food, social media/TV, compulsive shopping or have other negative habits you’d like to address at the root cause level.

While mother and childhood wounds don't just affect your personal relationships and health...

They're also affecting your work,

and so you might also:

  • Experience recurring business or career blocks, such as perfectionism, impostor syndrome and confidence issues.

  • Hide or freeze in conflict and have issues with conflict resolution because you experienced a lot of criticism or punishment growing up. And it is now affecting your leadership and reputation.

  • Avoid aggression and fear rejection, and as a result feel resistance or anxiety around being on camera, public speaking and other types of self-promotion, marketing and sales.

  • Cannot break through your “money ceilings” because you are unconsciously afraid of success and being judged for it, or you don't feel worthy of making it big. While you might believe you have an issue with "money mindset" when in fact it is a relationship and rejection/judgment issue.

  • Don't fully implement business, marketing and visibility strategies and have issues with sabotage, discipline, will power and following through.

  • Overgive, undercharge and have poor boundaries with clients, team members or employees, which leads to issues with leadership and management.

  • Resist being a leader and initiator and second-guess yourself.


  • But most importantly, you are not living you dreams and your full potential...




And you are beyond ready to get to the bottom of how

all of these seemingly unrelated issues come together like a puzzle

once you understand the depth that mother trauma has on our self-image, relationships, professional life and finances long-term.

That's why I'd love to invite you to join

"Healing the Mother Wound"

program for spiritual women


Experience this psychological, emotional, archetypal, metaphysical journey

where I share over 10 years of experience working with emotional healing, childhood trauma and parental wounds.

This program will help you:

  • Transform your relationship with parents and other family members.

  • Discover the blind spots that hold this trauma in your body and psyche and why you couldn't let go, forgive and forget the past before.

  • Work on the psychological structures connected to your childhood wounds and mother or father trauma that are now sabotaging your relationships and success.

  • Understand the deeply unconscious causes behind self-sabotage, negative habits and addictions, so choosing health, success and harmony becomes much easier.

  • Process rejection and abandonment wounds, and let go of grief, anger and
    resentment that are weighing you down and causing  psychosomatic issues.

  • Find healing, closure and inner peace, so you can use that energy to create a life of deep fulfillment and realization instead.


  • See through your transgenerational patterns (the unresolved patterns from your family's lineage that are activated and anchored in your psyche, genetics and body memory).

  • Set clear boundaries and communicate from a place of power instead of your wounds. 

  • Dive deep into what's holding the patterns of the “negative feminine" and "toxic motherhood" and how to work with them beyond behavior changes only.


  • 5 recorded modules (released every week to watch at your own pace).

  • ​​Therapeutic hypno-meditations to work through your emotions, fears and blocks.

  • ​Recordings of all trainings.

  • ​​​BONUS WEEK on psychosomatic issues connected to mother trauma! So you can see through your health patterns and begin unraveling them at the root cause level!

There are 2 options to join:

The first option is the self-study program alone.


The second option is

the program + 1-on-1 session with me (to be used during the program)

to deepen into the customized-for-you body memory and trauma work, using my innovative Body Memory Release method.

Join now for $797 INSTEAD OF $1102

*** compared to purchasing the session separately! ***

Who is the right person for this program?

The perfect fit for the program is a spiritual woman on your path of self and soul development.

This is not a program for someone who doesn't believe in anything but the material, even though I know you will absolutely benefit from the rest of the process.

Because we cannot pull ourselves out of this type of wounding using our egos alone. The ego is the very thing that got us into sabotage, blocks and fears to begin with. ;)



I invite you on this UNIQUE journey with me.


To heal your heart, release trauma and self-source love from within,

so you no longer need relationships, business, career or money to validate you.


Becoming internally defined.

And from this state, reach the fulfillment, success, abundance and peace that you so deeply desire.

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